How Does Employee Relocation Policy Boosts Productivity?

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

Is it true that the employee relocation policy in a company enhances productivity when employees relocate to a new country? The answer is yes!

Moving is always hard especially when you’ve to leave all the well-settled things behind and start a new life in an unfamiliar country.

Things get hard for an employee when they relocate to a new country. Although their relocation process gets easier with the help of cheap cross country movers, they still need to adjust to the new environment.

Employees who’ve just got relocated to a different country have to witness a lot of new things that might startle them. Along with this, house hunting, finding a good college and school, and exploring the best routes can be confusing for them.

This can sometimes decrease their productivity also in the office. So, the company should have an employee relocation policy that can enhance productivity in the following ways:

Team leader and HR organizing orientation program

1. Team leader and HR organizing orientation program

For any company, the end goal should be making the new entrant in the office comfortable and maintaining their productivity.

It is always hard for a new employee to adjust to a new office and new environment. The majority of companies who’ve global branches need to create an employee relocation program that is aimed at making the new entrant comfortable in the new office.

When a new employee comes to a new company, everything will be new to them. They’ll have to experience a new office environment, team leads, projects, and team members. Employees, in such situations, require ample time to get mixed up with others and adapt to a new culture. But, this impacts productivity which causes the business operations to suffer.

There should be an employee orientation program conducted by the company to introduce the new entrant to the team and train them about the undergoing projects and works.

Orientation is crucial to conduct as the new employee will get familiar with the company’s work and will start having interaction with the native employees. Once the new entrant starts forming meaningful relationships with other employees, they get used to it and start working efficiently in the company.

2. Offering expenses for moving

The company’s employee relocation policy can also help the employee in their moving process by offering them expenses for it.

Reimbursement for moving expenses will be helpful for the employee’s lot in the new country. Many times, it is not easy to cope with moving expenses. Hefty moving expenses and the unfamiliar new working environment might make the employee a bit stressed out.

This is one of the reasons why there might be a decrease in their productivity. So, the company should have a policy of moving expense reimbursement for the transferred employee to lessen their burden and improve their productivity.

Offering expenses for moving

3. Travel assistance

The companies that relocate their employees regularly should assist them with travelling assistance. Be it booking tickets or getting hotel accommodations, all these are common issues for a newly transferred employee.

If a company wants to lessen the employee’s burden and enhance productivity in the office then they should give a travel allowance.

In a new country, the employee has to roam many places to do house hunting, school search, and many related things. If the employees get transportation costs from the company under the relocation policy then it will be a relief to them. 

4. Consideration for tax

One of the crucial and complicated factors that make a relocated employee under stress is the tax. The taxes of a new country will be different from the previous ones.

For the temporary moving, the tax will be different from the permanent relocation of the employees. Those employees who are not aware of all these things might get confused.

If a company has a relocation policy for their employees then it would be highly beneficial for them in many ways. All the tax-related issues will get solved with the relocation policy. The company needs to have experts that can review tax and legal-related issues to craft policies that are good for the employees.

How Does Employee Relocation Policy Boosts Productivity? 

How Does Employee Relocation Policy Boosts Productivity?

When the relocation of an employee happens, there are chances of loss of productivity in the initial days. This is because of the issues of relocation, house hunting, new working environment, and differences in the culture of the two countries.

Thus, there should be an employee relocation policy of the company that can help the employees to enhance their productivity in the following ways:

  • Team leader and HR organizing orientation program.
  • Offering expenses for moving.
  • Travel assistance.
  • Consideration for tax.

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