How to Lower Bounce Rate? 10 Super Effective Ways to Increase Your Ranking

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Written By Earleen Brown

The bounce rate for a website is a crucial factor. It depicts the percentage of visitors who stop over a site e and does not interact further than one page.

Bounce rate shows whether a site is as interactive as a visitor thought it would be. The total bounces on a page through analytic reports is to indicate the number of visits which is then divided to get a percentage of visitations.

Bounce rate is simply an internet marketing term used in web traffic analysis, which shows who visits the site and then bounces (leave) instead of continuing to another surface of the website.

Why you should lower bounce rates?

Lowering the bounce rate is enough for the website’s overall visits and determining popularity or effectiveness, which enables more visits on site and continuity of the page from a visitor. It also means a place with a lower bounce rate determines its effectiveness on a visitor that website is more than exciting and helps in upholding visitors’ interest in the site.

Google Analytics gives you an in-depth analysis of your website.

Higher bounce rates show that your website is not doing an excellent job of holding visitors’ interest, which results in fewer visitations, and the site does not last long. The average bounce rate for an e-commerce website is 36 percent. Typically, prices are in the range of 20 percent to 45 percent.

The first page of a website should be attractive enough for a visitor, so they continue to surf through pages with backing up from the site.

Why you should lower bounce rates?

10 Ways to Lower Bounce Rate and Increase Search Ranking

A higher bounce rate specifies that a website has a lot of inaccuracy. This results in a lousy connection with visitors who visits the site, which requires effective ways to lower the bounce rate and growth in SERP ranking.

Here are some practical ways of reducing the bounce rate and increase in SERP ranking.

1. Too high bounce rate

In simple words, this means the users on your website leave before the time session or not continuing their search through the website and bounce off to another site.

It is harder to generate new leads and obtain more clients. Figuring out how to lower a high bounce rate will be the first step toward a successful increase in ranking. Referencing other articles which are related to the search topic will help the user in bouncing off from your site. 

2. Internal Links

Improvement in interior links is essential for any website. It provides more to the user than they bargained for.

By referencing and linking to other articles related to topics on your on-site content, you are tricking them into exploring your whole website with an exciting range of information. The packed information on your site will attract more visitors for a long time.

It also creates a buzz in the relevant text to inform users to interact with the content provided by the site. 

3. Call-To-Call Action

A call-to-call action is an area in the content that persuades a user to fill out forms related to career, mental health, motivation, book references, tips, and much more.

It creates a proper call to action. Do not make it sound like it is promotional or boasting. Let it be original and factual.

Represent that section as if conversing with kin as if you are the one, they should come to for advice. 


4. Things Users Don’t Like

Analyze what your users like and sort it through to make your website more exciting and informative.

Use heatmaps to search for what people like to explore, scroll to, and spend time reading. Through this method, you can arbitrate the best way of providing content, people want.

Heatmaps give information about what people scroll through and what they like to see, it will help in the growth of your website.

Good Keyword Matching

5. Good Keyword Matching

Proper keyword matching is essential in finding and analyzing actual research that people enter in search engines.

The observation one gets through these searches can be helpful in content strategy. This process tells you what people care about.

Most SEO services provide these tactics very efficiently, also content optimization, so clients get the best response in their business. 

6. Good Mobile Optimization

Mobile organic traffic accounted for 50.3 percent of all traffic developed worldwide. If your site is not considered for mobile optimization, people will get an atrocious experience, and it will lead to leaving (bouncing) that website.

After creating your website, use it on all Android and IOS devices to check its mobile optimization carefully, because mobile phones are regularly being more advanced and used worldwide in large amounts. 

7. Good Design

Creatively presenting your content is an active job, a website with excellent and innovative design attracts more people to your website and keeps them entertained while browsing through your site.

Provide information in a manner that creates informative passages like slideshows for related searches, and animated figures. Leading your visitors to browse similar content wins you brownie points. 

Good Design

8. Loading Time

The waiting game is something nobody has to time. And surfing, through internet users is just mildly putting it, “impatient” they do not like to be delayed and want everything in speed.

Getting rid of unnecessary heavy scripts would be the first step in reducing loading time. Make your loading time come with the directive which will give users an estimate of how long they have to wait for your loading website. 

9. Worthy Content

Content plays a favorable role on a website. Harmful content has nothing to do with grammar and spelling mistakes. It is more about what type not content people like to read and browse.

If your content matches the keyword, good. But is it enough to draw attention?

You can improve your content by adding subheadings, images, and relevant text in bold or italics. Content should be easy to read and enjoyable enough to engage people.

10. Previews and Excerpts 

Providing previews and excerpts on your home page gives little tease and information to the people about the topic they are searching for is easy to read about and accessible to everyone.

It helps in increasing your visitor’s interest in your site a long way and browsing to another page will become frequent action.

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