4 Easy Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

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Written By Marina Pregl

Starting up a website or a blog is the first step in establishing your marketing strategy.

Once you’ve done that, driving traffic to that website becomes your priority. You need to determine the strategies that will attract visitors, especially if you are a startup or a small business owner. 

Following these tips to drive more traffic to your website will increase your chances of reaching a wider target audience and bring you more customers.

1. Optimize Your Blog’s SEO

You need to focus on optimizing your blog’s SEO in order to increase your traffic. But how exactly does blog content help your business rank on search engines?

If you choose a topic relevant to your customers’ interests and cover it in-depth, providing value for the reader, search engines will have an incentive to rank it well. 

Moreover, readers will be inclined to share such valuable content on social media or link back to it from their own websites. This “vote of confidence” is another signal to search engines that your content deserves a higher spot in search results.

To signal your post’s relevance to search engines like Google, your post has to be SEO-optimized in the right way

4 Easy Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

This means that:

  • the purpose of your blog post is directly stated in your title tag
  • the URL contains the primary keyword
  • the content on the page contains plenty of primary and secondary keywords
  • the images on the site contain descriptive alt text that also uses the keywords
  • the content is interspersed with links to other reputable websites in your niche

Your content page will also be easier for the customer to search. The more specific it is, the better the chance that Google will rank your page higher than others.

You should craft your blog content around the relevant keywords. With keyword research and analysis, you can discover which topics interest your customer based on their internet searches. 

This will help you choose what to write about and stay specific to a given subject that your customers are interested in. When you determine your keywords, using them strategically will result in more search traffic.

SEO is one of the few online marketing channels that does not need conspicuous funding. It only costs you time to establish a keyword and content strategy. 

Best of all, SEO provides great results over a long period of time, so you can expect to reap the benefits over months and years to come. Once you set it up correctly and provide a solid piece of content, the right keywords will keep on sending traffic to your website.

According to HubSpot, businesses that maintain a blog using optimal SEO practices will have 434 per cent more search engine-indexed pages than those that don’t. They also get 55 per cent more website visitors than the ones without blogs.

Use your blog to consistently build quality content around keywords that are relevant to your audience and search engines alike.

2. Target the Right Keywords

The secret to getting more traffic is finding easy keywords with low competition.

When you get to know your target audience and learn how they think, it will be easier for you to choose the topic they’re interested in and therefore determine the best keywords to use. 

Even though low-competition keywords may have lower search volumes, ranking for enough of them can really increase your visibility. 

Targeting more such keywords with one page increases your chances of ranking for at least some of them. However, keep in mind that the competition is fierce.

Therefore, after you determine your keywords, you should check their difficulty to determine your website’s ability to compete with more established competitors. 

There are many keyword research tools that you can use to help you with this process. Using easy keywords with a higher volume gives you more chances to reach your target audience and increase your traffic.

Choosing easy keywords is a smart method for all businesses that are only starting with SEO and want to increase their traffic.

Before you can compete with large brands and established websites, low-competition keywords will enable your website to gain some traction and position yourself for a bunch of less-competitive terms.

Once your domain authority starts rising, you’ll be better equipped to rank for highly competitive keywords as well.

4 Easy Ways to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

3. Start Guest Blogging on Reputable Websites 

To increase your website traffic, you need to start guest blogging on reputable websites. Such websites already have an audience and now they’ll share it with you. 

When you choose a well-known brand that has authority in your industry, you get instant exposure.

These websites will have plenty of engagement for their blog posts and a full comments section. If you provide quality content, you get to redirect that traffic to your own website.

Guest-blogging also grows your social media following. Since most of these websites will include links to your social media accounts, providing value to the readership and thus establishing your expertise will likely boost your follower counts.

In fact, 50 per cent of guest posts get 50 to 100 visits from the referring site, and that is for an average quality post. 

Come up with a great article, and you will get three times more leads close to conversion. That way, guest blogging also shortens the sales cycle. 

Guest blogging allows you to introduce your brand’s values instead of waiting for potential customers to come to your site. It immediately creates familiarity with your business, which leads to a quicker sales cycle.

By contributing to a reputable website, you are basically getting them to vouch for your brand, which increases your reputation and builds trust with the audience.

In short, guest blogging on relevant websites is one of the key marketing strategies to drive more traffic to your website. When done right, guest blogging is a win-win situation both for you and the site you are guest posting on they receive a fresh perspective, while you get to show your expertise to some new readers.

4. Interview Other Successful People in Your Niche

Your target audience wants to hear a success story. 

When you interview a successful individual, your target customers will learn about their achievements and expertise and imagine themselves accomplishing the same results. So, think of your readership. What do they want to gain from this interview? 

Presenting the readers with valuable information will keep them interested and engaged in your post — and more engagement means more traffic. Furthermore, name recognition will boost your credibility.

When you are interviewing someone who is well-known and trusted, people associate you with that person, which makes them trust you more and entices them to come back to read your blog more often.

The interviewee will likely share the content too, thus helping you promote your blog on social media. This means that not only are you getting attention from one channel, but you are also reaching the audience connected with the person you are interviewing. 

If you choose a relevant person in your niche, the new readers this brings to your website will also be high-quality. After that, it is up to you to retain this new readership by continuing to offer valuable content.

Keep in mind that there are many innovative ways to do interviews besides the regular, written ones. 

You can interview your guests in video format — after all, video content is known to attract 50 times more traffic than traditional text. If you are not comfortable with being on camera, you can always opt for a podcast.

Adding interviews to your content is a great way to freshen up your website and increase your traffic.

Conclusion: Ways to drive more traffic to your website

By optimizing your blog’s SEO, blogging on reputable websites, and interviewing successful people in your industry, you will create a strong base for your business.

You will be able to target your audience using the right keywords and present them with specific topics they are searching for. Keep your content interesting and well-planned, and very shortly, you will realize that more traffic means more sales!

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