3-Step Copywriting Formula to Boost Conversions (With Practical Example)

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Written By Daniel Doan

Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive sales copy that gets people to take action. A good copywriter can use words to create a sense of urgency, build trust, and overcome objections.

Copywriting Formulas

Copywriting is the art and science of writing copy that persuades people to take action. It is a critical skill for anyone who wants to sell products, services, or ideas online.

There are many different copywriting formulas that can be used to boost conversions online. Some of the most popular formulas include AIDA, PAS, and BAB.

  • AIDA (stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action). This formula is a classic copywriting formula that has been used for decades. It works by first getting the reader’s attention, then building their interest, creating desire, and finally calling them to action.
  • PAS (stands for Problem, Agitate, Solve). This formula is a more modern copywriting formula that is designed to tap into the reader’s emotions. It works by first identifying a problem that the reader is facing, then agitating the problem and finally solving the problem with your product or service.
  • BAB (stands for Before, After, Bridge). This formula is a visual copywriting formula that is designed to help the reader see the benefits of your product or service. It works by showing the reader their situation before using your product or service, then showing them their situation after using your product or service, and finally bridging the gap between the two situations.

Other popular copywriting formulas are:

  • CBA (stands for Challenge, Benefit, Action)
  • S.C.O.R.R.E (stands for Subject, Central Theme, Objective, Rational, Resources, Evaluation)

Each of these formulas has its own strengths and weaknesses. The best formula for you will depend on your specific product or service, your target audience, and your overall marketing goals.

No matter which copywriting formula you choose, the most important thing is to write copy that is clear, concise, and persuasive. If you can do that, you will be well on your way to boosting conversions.

Copywriting Formulas

3-Step Copywriting Formula to Boost Conversions

Here is my personal 3-step copywriting formula to boost conversions, increase return on ads spent (ROAS), and become ten times more badass at marketing.

STEP 1: Answering the right questions

Before you sit down and write any copy at all, make sure you, at a minimum, have these questions fully answered:

  • Who is this offer for, and what problem are you addressing for them? What truly desperate problem are you solving for them?
  • Why should they choose your solution as opposed to any other option in the market? What is so unique about your offer and positioning?
  • Why should they believe that the solution is real, that it’ll actually work for them, and that you are a credible person? What kind of overwhelming proof can you provide?
  • How will you make it more painful for them to walk away than to move forward and take action with your offer?
  • What is your legitimately irresistible offer, and why should they act immediately?

STEP 2: The actual copywriting formula

Then, the writing begins. I like to start by writing a long-form story-driven “sales letter” to use as a base to draw from.

The format usually goes something like this:

  • Use an attention-grabbing strong headline that hooks them while piquing their curiosity at the same time.
  • Hit them with a strong benefit right up front in order to compel them to continue reading.
  • Tell the story about your big idea. Include the problem, promise, and proof while sprinkling in a heavy dose of emotion.
  • Reveal what is unique about your offer.
  • Pile on social proof, case studies, testimonials, and everything that backs up your unique selling proposition.
  • Throw in a slew of bullet points jam-packed with benefits.
  • Tell them exactly how the offer will get delivered, and go into details.
  • Toss in a few bonuses that will enhance the results of your core offer.
  • Compare the price of what you are offering to what a similar offering would be like in a different format or another large number.
  • Remove all risks from the purchase with some kind of strong guarantee.
  • Deliver your call to action in a compelling way.
  • Mention what they’ll lose out on if they don’t take action today.
  • In an addendum, restate the primary benefit, then summarize the offer and remind them of the reason to act now.

The actual copywriting formula

A typical copywriting example using this copywriting formula

Here is an example of what that might look like if I were selling a pair of magic pants:

Are you wearing the wrong pair of pants without knowing it?

I sure did for the longest time, but after I discovered this pair of pants… I quite literally 10x’d my ROAS. How? Well, let’s backtrack a bit…

You see, back in college I tried to run Facebook Ads but had a hard time seeing any ROI. My CPA was at an all-time high, and my CTRs were just awfully low.

I was on the brink of a complete meltdown. And, that’s when I noticed… I wasn’t wearing any pants.

So, I decided to A/B test things, and I put on a pair of jeans. No significant difference. Red jeans? Same thing.

I would go on to try over 1,000 pairs of pants, logging them all into a database.

Then, I started to pore through the data… and I discovered that there were a specific set of properties that made my ROAS shoot through the roof.

And so, I cloned these pants. This means you can’t find a pair like this anywhere else.

As a marketing move, I’ve sent a free pair of these pants to 20 of the best digital marketers in the world, and 16 of them told me that the pants improved their ROAS by at least 10x.

The other four didn’t get back to me, but I’d assume that they’d see similar results if they tried them on).

I mean, it is true. These pants will…

  • Give you demonstrated ROAS without the hassle of you having to go through the pain of trial and error, and save you from putting on the wrong pants that may injure your legs.

  • Grant you total peace of mind that no matter how lackluster you may be at copywriting, the pants can carry you and make up for your potential shortcomings.

  • Let you live the life of your dreams by almost literally printing money (because any ad you throw up while wearing these pants will be ROI-positive)

I currently have 100 pairs of these pants in my warehouse, ready to get shipped… and if you’re one of the first 10 to snag a pair, I’ll throw in a voucher for FREE tailoring as well (a $97 value).

Not bad, right?

If you’re a little late, no worries! As long as you’re one of the first 25 to place an order, you’ll get 100% free shipping (a $47 value).

Now, how much are these pants? They’re only $997.

This is quite a steal compared to how much money I spent trying to figure out and clone these perfect pair of pants (I’ve spent over $100k).

These pants come with a 30-Day 100% Ironclad Money-Back Guarantee.

So… if you don’t like the pants? Simply box them up and ship them back to me.

Click the button below and grab a pair today. Don’t wait for too long though, as you might miss out (I don’t know when my next shipment of pants will come in).

P.S. These pants are designed to 10x your ROAS.

Order your pair now and get total peace of mind next time you’re trying to uplevel your marketing skills. These pants will probably get sold out fast, so don’t wait!

STEP 3: Adjust your copy to be salesy

Use this as a base and repurpose it for ad copy, landing page copy, and social sales copy. As always, you need to adjust your tone and delivery to fit the needs of your audience.

As a side note, with a more educated audience, being overly salesy can backfire. But in some circumstances when targeting certain demographics, adjusting your sales copy to be more “salesy” can actually increase conversions if it might not sound too trite to them.

How to Use Copywriting Formulas

How to Use Copywriting Formulas

To use these copywriting formulas, you first need to understand the basic steps involved. These basic steps typically include:

  • Identify your target audience. Who are you trying to reach with your copy? What are their needs and wants? What motivates them
  • Define your call to action. What do you want your audience to do after reading your copy? Buy your product, sign up for your email list, or visit your website.
  • Use strong verbs and action words. This will help to keep the reader engaged and motivated to take action.
  • Use testimonials and case studies. This is a great way to build trust and credibility with the reader.
  • Proofread your copy carefully. Typos and grammatical errors will make your copy look unprofessional and will likely turn off the reader.
  • Create a hook. What will grab your audience’s attention and make them want to read more?
  • Build rapport. Establish a connection with your audience and show them that you understand their problems.
  • Solve the problem. Explain how your product or service can help your audience solve their problems.
  • Offer a benefit. What is in it for your audience? What will they gain by taking action?


Copywriting formulas can be powerful tools for boosting conversions online. By following these steps, you can create copy that is persuasive, effective, boost conversions, and helps you achieve your business goals.

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