16 Tips For Creating Impactful Marketing Videos 

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

Videos are a powerful marketing tool for any business.

According to Statista data, 85 percent of all Internet users in the US watched video monthly on a host of devices. The demand for video is also increasing, with HubSpot highlighting 54 percent of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they love. 

These figures are hard to ignore, especially if your business is looking to gain more customers and keep hold of current consumers. Getting marketing videos right could see your company attract a new audience or even hit the big time by going viral. However, you always want this to be for the right reasons. 

Creating marketing videos is said to be the tricky part. While you might have great ideas on paper, getting them onto the screen in the best way is more complicated. Depending on your brand niche, different types of videos might suit your message.

Something as simple as using a smartphone and uploading impromptu marketing videos might work for start-ups and creative spaces. However, corporate-style films may be more suited to other organizations. 

The main focus of any video is showcasing your brand in the best way. So if you are new to marketing videos and want a slice of the pie, check out these tips to tell your story. 

1. Focus on the message and less on the product

Creating Marketing Videos: 16 Easy Tips to Go Viral OnlineSome businesses fail to attract more customers using video because marketing videos are too focused on making a sale. Consumers want to see your brand personality and message, and focusing on what you sell all the time moves this to the backseat.

If you have a mission, push this to people. Individuals that resonate with a message or brand mission are more likely to come back to you and recommend your products and services to others. 

2. Don’t bore people

Of course, no company wants to think the marketing videos they create are boring but get a second opinion if you think it could pop more.

No one is going to watch a boring video, and the best performing companies make this small snippet of media fun and exciting to watch. A question to ask yourself once you film it is – would someone share this? 

3. Make it accessible

With over 5 percent of the world’s population suffering from hearing loss, you are ruling out a huge segment of your audience if your video is not accessible to all.

Using closed captioning software will help you provide captions when the presenter is speaking. This also makes the video accessible to people watching with the sound off. 

4. Be inclusive

While your products and services may be targeted towards a specific demographic, your marketing efforts should always be inclusive.

Think about what your message is saying and potentially portraying. Marketing videos should be sex, age, and culturally inclusive to ensure you reach a broader audience in a positive way. 

5. Make your marketing videos mobile-friendly

Today people watch videos on a variety of devices, including smartphones. In fact, this is one of the fastest-growing ways to watch videos, so ensuring your media is suitable for all devices is crucial.

YouTube highlighted that mobile video was growing by 100 percent every year, so it is now more prevalent than ever. If you host videos on external platforms, this should already be optimized for you. 

6. Create a transcript for informative videos

Not all marketing videos require a transcript, but it is a great idea to transcribe your content if you offer webinars and educational-style videos.

This gives your audience the chance to read the video instead of watching it, plus this transcription provides fresh content for your website. It is also vital for offering accessible information to everyone. 

7. Provide value

Creating Marketing Videos: 16 Easy Tips to Go Viral OnlineThe most successful marketing videos leave the audience feeling like they took something away from the watching experience. Whether they had some laughs or learned something new, it is an important feature no matter how small the value.

When creating new media, think about what the audience might think or feel when they see it. Make it worth their while to watch, and you’ll get them coming back for more. 

8. Use music 

Music is a great way to stir emotions. A video doesn’t have to be 20 minutes of someone continually talking to be effective. Use atmospheric music to complement the experience.

If you have elements in the media that you want the watcher to feel immersed in the film, add suitable music to invoke emotion. Choosing music that fits the mood of your message can be extremely powerful. 

9. Include a call to action

While films shouldn’t be too pushy, they also shouldn’t leave out an essential element of marketing to your audience – the call to action.

Whether you provide a link to some freebies or ask people to sign up for your newsletter, be sure to point them in the right direction. Don’t forget to ask them to subscribe to your videos so they can stay up to date with your company channel. 

10. Go behind the scenes

Who doesn’t love watching those documentaries that take you behind the scenes of businesses and industries!

Why not try and incorporate this into a series for your marketing videos. It can bring a new perspective to your brand and offer some insight into the day-to-day experience of your operations.

This concept is excellent for companies that want to share their mission and incorporate transparency into the customer journey. 

11. Don’t get bogged down with perfection

Nobody is perfect, and your videos don’t have to resemble the next Hollywood blockbuster.

With video being created on a whim on social media, it can benefit your company to take a more relaxed approach to film. That is not to say quality should be affected, as there are tons of options for camera equipment and lighting that can make your message pop. 

12. Create tutorials

Tutorials are some of the most-watched videos on the Internet. How many times have you searched how to do things on Youtube?

Even relatively complex topics seem in reach due to the experts showing us what to do. If your business is suited to this type of video, it is an excellent opportunity to share your knowledge with your customers.

The key is not to give too much away so that they want to come back and learn more. It is also a great way to add a call to action about signing up for more information via newsletters or social media to drive more traffic to your business. 

13. Keep it short and sweet

Unless you are filming educational resources, videos should be to the point and memorable. With the amount of content consumed by people every day, making someone stay on your video is vital.

People don’t have time to spend watching hours of talking and demos, and as soon as it becomes boring, they move away. Make it short and to the point, and most of all memorable. 

14. Be confident and professional 

Corporate marketing videos require a different angle compared to the humorous memes that flood social feeds.

Your audience wants to see confident and authoritative presenting that doesn’t come across as too arrogant either. It is no surprise that speaking on camera can leave people feeling nervous, but this shouldn’t come across to the viewer.

If you don’t have anyone in-house that feels comfortable presenting, think about hiring a professional. A clear and professional tone of voice will always communicate your message appropriately. 

15. Choose the best video platform for your business

Creating Marketing Videos: 16 Easy Tips to Go Viral OnlineThere are several video platforms to choose from to host your business videos. The most popular and well-known is YouTube, and this drives millions of organic viewers each day.

However, you are also competing with millions of people that potentially do the same or similar thing to your business. This platform has become a huge marketing tool for many companies that provide value to an audience. It is definitely a viable choice for any business that is looking for an all-around hosting option.

Other video platforms include Vimeo. This option offers ad-free viewing, which is great for uninterrupted experiences. 

Social media is a great tool for showcasing shorter videos. Instagram Reels, Stories, and IGTV are all great avenues for creating video, especially if you have an engaged audience. Facebook also provides plenty of opportunities to promote your films. 

16. Don’t forget to share your videos

You may have the best video in the world, but it defeats the point in creating it if no one sees it.

Videos are designed to be watched and shared. Platforms such as YouTube help you reach larger organic audiences as millions of people watch every day. You can also use in-platform SEO tools to improve your reach.

Social media is a great way to enhance views. Share on all your active social platforms and create shortened snippets for elements such as Instagram stories and TikTok to entice people to watch the full version.

By creating impactful and memorable marketing videos for your business, you have another powerful way to reach your audience at your disposal. 

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