Why Physical Security Is A Smart Investment For Small Businesses

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

Safety is a critical concern for any business, and it spans both physical and virtual assets they own.

Most businesses are already looking to ramp up their safety measures as the prevalence of attacks increases. Moreover, the ones with high-value assets and confidential data understand the significance of going the extra mile.

Although there is a lot of attention to safety, organizations often fail to take a holistic approach. While there is a lot of hype about cybersecurity for businesses these days, premises safety often takes a backseat.

Small establishments, in particular, are tempted to overlook it only to save some dollars. However, protecting your brick-and-mortar location is as critical as ensuring security for your online presence.

Physical security is the smartest investment that any small business can make because there is a lot you can protect with the right measures in place. Let us explain why physical security is a worthwhile investment despite the cash limitations of small organizations.

1. There are security threats you cannot ignore

Organizations of all sizes face diverse threats and risks these days, depending on the type of facility, size, geography, and location. Some business domains are at higher risks, such as banks, retail stores, jewelry shops, and other businesses that deal in cash.

Apart from violence, theft, sabotage, and burglary, your business also faces threats from natural calamities like fire, flood, and earthquakes. There are unexpected risks such as those associated with power failure, data theft, and malicious insiders.

Further, your employees may go hostile and conceptualize a surprise attack. Considering the variety and scale of the risks that small businesses face, securing themselves physically does not remain a choice.

There are security threats you cannot ignore

2. The size doesn’t matter

If you think that only big businesses are at risk of being attacked, you are mistaken because threats are equally real for small organizations. Criminals hardly care about the size of a business while planning an attack. They will make an attempt wherever they locate vulnerability.

Physical security, therefore, is as vital for small organizations operating from a one-room establishment as it is for large enterprises that are spread over acres.

The cost of security systems will be proportionate to the size of your premises, so you need not worry a lot about the expense. Even if it means that you will have to stretch your budget, you should still do it without thinking twice.

3. High-tech security saves money in the long run

Money is the only reason to dissuade small business owners from implementing high-tech security measures. However, having them in place can cover you from massive losses from thefts and other incidents.

You may have to spend a lot on equipment like CCTV cameras, automated access systems, digital ID cards for the employees, and high security hardware for doors, but the expenditure can save you a lot in the long run.

Compared to the financial losses and cost of disruption due to an incident, the cost of these devices and systems would be much lesser.

4. You save up on insurance costs as well

While security solutions prevent financial damage caused by theft and reputational damage, it can also lower the cost of premises insurance to a significant extent.

A company that has a high-tech system in place is likely to pay a lower premium value as compared to one with only the basic. The risk of the insurance provider is less if you have already taken adequate measures to protect your premises.

They will end up seeking lower premium value while providing you coverage against unfortunate events, so you save even as you spend. The best part is that you get to safeguard your company’s premises without spending a fortune.

You save up on insurance costs as well

5. Your employees feel secure and motivated

Going the extra mile with premises security makes your employees feel secure and motivated. It gives the impression that the business owner cares for their safety, which has a positive impact on employee morale, performance, and productivity in the long run.

At the same time, the ones with malicious intentions are forewarned and wouldn’t even think about committing any act that would endanger the workplace or the other employees.

Even though you invest in a security system, you end up empowering your team and ensuring that they become more productive and loyal towards the organization.

6. Proper security gives the impression of a professional image

A workplace that has proper security measures in place gives the impression of a professional image to the potential clients and visitors who visit the premises.

Anyone who drops in would see your company as one that is serious about safeguarding its assets and people. It also builds trust and credibility, so people would be willing to work with you as clients and partners for the long haul.

Greater confidence in your company translates into lasting relationships and higher profits for your business. You gain a better reputation in the market as the word spreads.

Practical guidelines for securing your business premises

7. Practical guidelines for securing your business premises

When it comes to securing your business premises, it involves more than having security guards, locks, and alarms in place.

You need to start with the basics and go high-tech with advanced surveillance systems to make sure that the security of your facility is not compromised at any cost. Here are the practical guidelines that you can follow to ensure risk-free premises.

  • Burglars and vandals thrive on concealment, so start by trimming any landscaping they may use to hide. Cut down the trees near windows and don’t allow bushes to grow in parking lots.
  • Installation of lighting and motion sensors is another good way to prevent concealment opportunities for then. Make sure that the video cameras are set up at the right locations, such as the entrances, garages, and loading docks.
  • Having alarm systems is another smart approach as it will notify you immediately about unauthorized access so that you can get help by summoning authorities to the scene.
  • Invest in strong commercial doors and ensure that they are secured with deadbolts. Securing windows is equally important, so you can use locks and add bars for extra security.
  • Be proactive about damage repair of the access points because leaving them compromised elevates the risk of unauthorized entry in the premises. Regular inspection and timely repair can make all the difference.
  • Train your employees and have a complete premises security plan for them in case an incident takes place. It will help them cope with the situation better and prevent possible damage.
  • Ensuring the effectiveness of your security measures involves equipping your security team with the right tools. Provide them with state-of-the-art surveillance equipment, access control systems, or two-way communication headsets, which facilitate real-time communication among security personnel, enabling swift response and coordination during critical situations.
  • Having a dedicated security team with trained and capable personnel gives you an extra layer of security. They can keep an eye on your place and also take quick action when there is a potential threat.

While these measures may take significant investment, there is no reason you should skimp on it. After all, your premises are the lifeline of your organization, and it deserves to be protected at all times.

Considering the benefits of the investment in premises security, it is something that no business should miss out on.

Even if your funds are limited, you should still do it for your small business because safety fosters trust and confidence. Eventually, it can make a difference in the success of your business.

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