Studying Online: Six Smart Ways to Stay Motivated Always

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Written By Lucy Miranda

They say time changes everything and those who do not change with time often stay behind in life. A similar change has been happening in the traditional education system.

Online learning was already finding a solid place in the education world but the current situation of the global pandemic has exposed almost every student to online learning. A recent study suggests that the overall market for online learning is likely to reach $350 Billion by 2025 from $18.66 billion in 2019.

Almost every other student is pursuing online learning these days and we must prepare ourselves for such a learning environment for a long time now. Besides the need of the hour, online learning poses some great benefits for the students.

It not only decreases the total cost of learning but also provides a flexible and comfortable learning environment for the students.

It is also a time-saving learning option as students are no longer required to commute to a study center, college, school, or any other institution. Students now have much time to get involved with their families and friends.

Lastly, online learning makes them independent learners which is one of the best traits required in lifelong learners. But, online learning is unlike traditional classroom learning. Adapting to this new environment might not be easy for many students.

This is why here I share with you five effective ways to stay motivated while learning online. 

1. The discipline factor 

Online Learning: 6 Smart Ways to Stay Motivated AlwaysThere is no physical classroom right now where you are bound to be present at a certain time if you want to attend the class.

This flexibility of online learning can sometimes make it difficult for the students to be regular in their studies because if they do not attend the live session, they still have a choice to watch the recorded lecture. 

So if you want to keep up that fire of learning and gaining knowledge, you need to create a study schedule.

Set up some daily study goals that would drive you to stay on top. Have a fixed time to study, sleep, take meals, and do other daily activities. Be sure to mark your assignment deadlines and test dates on the calendar.

The more you will manage your time, the more control you will have over your days and the more motivated you will be to achieve your goals. 

Also, do not forget to reward yourself for achieving a milestone in your online learning journey. Completing your everyday study goals is an achievement in itself and you must celebrate that fact. Share your achievements with your friends and family and find more motivation for yourself.

2. Don’t approach online learning the traditional way 

Do not just dwell on watching the lessons again and taking notes during your online classes. 

You can make learning so much easier and more fun. In fact, Unruly Splats is an online program focusing on STEM and computer science mixed with active play, allowing students to not only learn but also have fun while learning!

All you have to do is some blending. For instance, you can listen to your lecture recordings like a podcast. You can rewrite your notes in short bullet points or you may re-organize them and add some relevant diagrams and important points.

You can convert your notes about a concept into a diagram or create a mindmap out of that. You can create flashcards for a better understanding of the concepts. 

Learning online does not always mean that you have to be watching the screen all the time. You still have to do some offline reading and note-taking.

You can even discuss what you learned in your online class with a friend. You can teach each other and make yourself accountable for your learning. It would all be so motivating. 

3. The sacred study space! 

If you are planning to study on your bed or in the living room where everyone is watching television, ABORT MISSION!

It does not matter whether you are learning in a physical classroom or on your computer, the intent of learning should remain the same. You need to be dedicated to learning in an online classroom just like you were while learning in a physical classroom at your school or college.

So, assign a separate study space for you which is well lit and peaceful. This would help you concentrate much better on your lesson. It would keep the enthusiasm going.

Even if you do not have a separate study table, find a separate corner of your house and make it your sacred learning space. Keep all your books, notebooks, stationery, and other essential study materials at that place so that whenever you sit to study you face no or minimal distractions.

Always keep the area neat and tidy. Organize all your study materials, online study resources, and notes in separate folders. If you want to keep your mind active during studying, you can put up some study music that can help you concentrate.

If you are someone who loves reading outside in coffee shops you can use tools like Coffitivity and put up some background sounds of a coffee place to increase your productivity. Nonetheless, you can always switch to YouTube or Spotify for some concentration music.

4. All work and no play? 

Since you are not moving out of the house much because of your online learning, there can be chances that you would spend most of the time sitting in front of a computer.

Then, you might spend the rest of your time with your family or doing some offline studying. But, in between all this, you need to stay active and regain some energy. Otherwise, you might feel bored and unmotivated.

Sitting most of the time can cause fatigue which can further lower your concentration. Therefore, you must ensure to take breaks in between your study sessions.

You must also do some physical activity such as aerobics, yoga, dancing, cycling or walking, etc. to leverage the benefits. Exercising improves your memory, eradicates fatigue, makes you happier and healthier. 

All this shall keep your interest alive in continuing with your online learning and keeping up with your study goals.

If on some days you do not feel like exercising you can proudly do some house chores such as cleaning, organizing, or washing. You can also decide to cook something. It will wipe off the stress levels.

5. Support system needed 

Online Learning: 6 Smart Ways to Stay Motivated AlwaysStudying online might give you all the ‘me time’ but online learning can make you feel lonely.

We all need social interaction sometimes or the other, which happens easily in a physical classroom-like environment. So you need to step up and ensure that you interact with your peers and teachers.

If you have any doubts about the lessons you can email your teacher or consult with them on the phone. You should connect with other online learners and your friends on the phone or sometimes you can meet and study together. It will keep you motivated. 

You should also socialize otherwise and not just for studying purposes. This means communicating with your friends like in old times.

Meeting with friends regularly or maybe doing activities together like going for a walk, cycling, painting or dancing. You must also spend time with your family and participate in family gatherings.

All these people are the true support system that will inspire you to complete your studies for further endeavors in life. You must not miss the magic of human interaction while studying in a virtual environment.

6. Connect with your purpose – Find the motivation 

Lastly, finding motivation in everything you do is important in life whether it is online learning or getting out of bed in the morning.

It is your motivation to achieve something that drives you everywhere and it is only you who can find it for yourself. So think of things that motivate you in life. It could be a quote from your favorite author or a vision board that reminds you of your life goals.

Think of how your online program is a part of your ultimate goal in life and everything will fall into place. 

One thing that you should never forget is that online learning requires commitment and continuous efforts. Without putting your hundred percent into the course, you cannot expect a similar result. 

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