Is an SEO Campaign Worth it for your Business?

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Written By Adeyemi Adetilewa

SEO can be defined as an online marketing strategy that works to provide businesses worldwide with a long-term and budget-friendly advertising solution, serving as the ideal way for companies operating across a range of industries to improve their online performance.

A strong SEO strategy offers an ideal way for businesses to boost the online visibility of their website, optimising their ranking position within Google’s organic search results to drive overall traffic, engagement, and sales.

It may be unsurprising to learn that behind any business to have found success online stands a strong and effective search engine optimisation campaign. However, the wide variety of factors that must all work together to create an impactful advertising strategy can commonly take quite some time before starting to show any distinguishable results. This may lead many business owners to question whether an SEO campaign for their company website is even worth the time and effort.

In this article, we aim to discuss the benefits of a successful SEO strategy and how to determine whether or not this is the right step for you and your business.

Why Is A Strong SEO Strategy A Long-Term Plan?

Why Is A Strong SEO Strategy A Long-Term Plan?

SEO is considered to be a long-term campaign strategy within digital marketing, meaning that it may take some time before your efforts start to yield any real, noticeable results. Consistency is key. Depending on a few website factors, as well as the strength of the competition within your business sector, it can typically take around 6 – 12 months before you will see any benefit from your investment.

This is a delay that comes as a result of the amount of time that it can take the search engines, such as Google, to pick up on the optimisation changes that are being made to your website, allowing time for them to both re-evaluate and re-rank your webpages accordingly.

Within recent years, the average amount of time that it takes before you will start to see results from your SEO campaign efforts has decreased, meaning that business owners worldwide are able to realise the benefits of their search engine optimisation efforts a lot sooner than would have been possible in previous years.

The Benefits of a Strong SEO Strategy and Campaign

For any company wanting to succeed online and improve its visibility within the organic search engine results, a strong SEO strategy is crucial, allowing you to stay ahead of the competition while boosting your brand recognition, and site traffic, and driving overall sales.

While it may take slightly longer before you start to see results, SEO also provides a significantly cheaper advertising option when compared to pay-per-click marketing. This makes SEO ideal for any businesses that may be working within a limited budget, for which the sponsored advertising options offered up by a PPC campaign would likely be unsuited.

The Benefits of a Strong SEO Strategy and Campaign

If you are still on the fence as to whether a strong SEO strategy is a right move for your business, allow the statistics to speak for themselves.

For any given search term queried by Google, around 60 per cent of all organic search result clicks go to the websites ranked within the top 5 positions of the search results.

With 57 per cent of marketing professionals agreeing that on-page SEO is one of the most important marketing tactics for those websites wanting to succeed within the search results, it comes as no surprise that 61 per cent of all business owners would consider their search engine optimisation strategy the top priority within their online advertising approach.

There are a number of surprising statistics about SEO that work to highlight the importance of this digital marketing approach, and how a strong campaign is crucial for any business wishing to succeed within the organic search results. Great search engine optimisation can help your business to stay one step ahead of its competitors, benefitting from an increase in online visibility, brand recognition, and website traffic.

To conclude, SEO offers a highly beneficial and cost-effective online advertising approach to businesses operating across a wide range of industries.

No matter your niche, the time and effort spent on the development of a strong SEO campaign is well worth the investment, making this a strategy that shouldn’t be overlooked!

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